AmbitionABM win at Global Content Awards

AmbitionABM win the silver award at the Global Content Awards: B2B Content Campaign of the Year

Here at AmbitionABM, we know that delivering programmes with unique, personalised, creative content is one of the key elements to executing a successful account-based marketing (ABM) campaign. For the last 3 years, we have been producing a plethora of compelling and creative ABM campaigns, and now our efforts are being recognised.

We are delighted to announce that we have won the Silver Award at this year’s Global Content Awards, in the ‘B2B Content Campaign of the Year’ category.

The awards, organised by Don’t Panic Events, recognise the best and most unique content campaigns, across the global marketing and agency world and within all industries.

The competition this year was extremely fierce, with some of the leading global agencies and organisations being shortlisted. Our campaign, ‘In a world where micro-seconds matter’, was up against strong finalists and so to gain the Silver Award was an exceptional achievement.

We also received excellent comments from the judges on our entry:

“We thought this was a really strong entry with effective results. They demonstrated a great analysis of their target audience by creating specific driven content and research. It was a strong entry with a clear layout of the strategy. We were impressed with how focused the team was in the target and implementation of the campaign.”

This is a fantastic accolade for CEO Louise, and we would just like to say that we are proud of all the team here at AmbitionABM whose dedication and hard efforts have contributed to another successful achievement. Let’s continue to keep up the excellent work, as we head into another year of delivering more creative and award-winning ABM content!

If you would like to know more about how we create effective, award-winning content for our ABM campaigns, then we are hosting a webinar ‘How to create effective content for account-based marketing’ on the 24th November, at 12pm (GMT). Register your place here today!

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