Is Sales and Marketing Alignment Essential for Delivering Successful Account-Based Marketing Campaigns?

Is Sales and Marketing Alignment Essential for Delivering Successful Account-Based Marketing Campaigns?

So, you’re looking to begin account-based marketing. You’ve decided to take the leap and start a strategy that you’ve heard delivers more results and business wins.

But you don’t know where to begin? So, you start to look at blog posts, and sign up to LinkedIn webinars, that guarantee to give you the insights you need to let your ABM pilot take off.

And across these webinars and posts, one of the most common priorities always identified to execute successful ABM, is alignment of the sales and marketing teams.

Which is true. According to Marketo, leads are 67% more likely to convert and become clients for a company that has a strong alignment between both their sales and marketing teams.

In order to do ABM well, you need to have that buy-in from sales and break down those silos. They need to understand the benefits of ABM, especially if they’re so tied down and committed to their current marketing strategy.

But is it actually that essential to always have in order to create that ABM story? Do the sales team always need to be there in order to develop that high-level strategy and message?

We understand that your sales teams are busy- and so are you.

You may not have the time to get 20 people from your account teams on a 4-hour workshop, just to run through some messaging which they might not know much about.

We also understand that for a net-new account, you may not have the time to spend hours researching and planning, in order to get to that level of preparation prior to the workshop.

We know that sometimes we need to be flexible in our work.

Luckily for you, as a smaller ABM agency, we can dedicate more time to conducting that desk research ourselves, so you don’t have to.

With also over 10 years of extensive experience, developing strategy and messaging has become a walk in the park for us. We can do it in our sleep!

We know what we need to be looking for in order to create that tailored value proposition, so that you don’t need to worry about organising your whole sales team’s calendars to attend a 4-hour strategy session to figure it out for themselves.

And once we’ve produced your ABM plan for you, we can develop sales enablement decks that can make the messaging easily digestible and ready for the sales teams to implement straight away.

It’s a trend we’re noticing a lot already this year, with 4 of our own ABM programmes not including the use of a workshop with the sales and marketing teams.

So, perhaps it’s time for these webinars and blog posts to rethink the priorities of delivering successful ABM. Perhaps it can be implemented without the need for a day of workshops and discovery calls.

If you’re looking to start your ABM journey, or maybe you’re struggling to find the time to get everyone on a workshop. Then get in contact with us today to see how we can develop your personalised strategy and message, so your teams don’t have to.

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