Strategy and Messaging: Crafting your ABM success story for 2022

ABM Strategy & Messaging for 2022

Christmas is just around the corner, which means that very soon, we’ll be entering into 2022- can you believe it!

With the new year now fast approaching, we know that all marketeers will be busy budgeting and planning for the year ahead. Emerging out the other side of a year that was filled with lockdowns, a pandemic and unprecedented times, it’s now more crucial than ever for you to determine what your priorities will be for the new year.

For us here at AmbitionABM, we want to offer our expertise to anyone who may be faced with ABM challenges: which is why we recently took to LinkedIn to ask our followers what their priorities were for the new year.

Astonishingly, a vast majority of our respondents said that strategy and messaging was a key focus for 2022. When in conversation with marketing managers and directors, this priority has also come up particularly frequently.

We’re not the only ones who are witnessing this trend. In Forrester’s 2021 Global Marketing Survey, 42% of CMOs voted that strategy and planning will be the biggest area for process enhancement.

Having a solid strategy and planning mechanism is the crucial building block to a successful ABM approach. Without these foundations in place, effective ABM cannot be executed.

Luckily for you, at AmbitionABM, we see strategy and planning as our speciality. Our marketing metier.

Following the best practice, we use a number of tried and tested methods to develop a strong ABM strategy and message for our clients, some of which include:

  • Conducting our own desk research, to observe industry trends and recent news coverage of an account,
  • Hosting discovery calls with the sales team, to gather some initial insight,
  • Reviewing account plans, to identify the key priorities for the account,
  • Gathering deeper insights from workshops, and aligning the sales and marketing teams,
  • And identifying the key audiences and personas who we should be targeting

The result? Once we piece all of these insights together, we arrive at a carefully crafted ABM story.

With a developed value proposition message that is highly focused, we can then execute our ABM programme, with tactics and assets across multiple channels that address those pain points for the accounts, at the right time.

For us here at AmbitionABM, without the strategy, messaging and planning, we cannot hope to deliver an ABM programme that is effective and well-executed.

If you want to achieve business growth with an ABM approach in 2022, then you need to put in the time to research, plan and craft that strategy and message first.

As Abraham Lincoln once said: “Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I’ll spend the first 4 sharpening the axe.”

If strategy and messaging is your priority for 2022, then get in contact with us today to see how we can help you.

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